Update - Portions of West Virginia now in "exceptional drought"
New Update - August 30
August 30 - According to the latest crop condition report for the Mountain State of West Virginia, 100 percent of farmers are reporting topsoil moisture as "short" or "very short." Hay fields and pastures are suffering from an expanding drought situation.
As of August 27, 6% of WV was in "exceptional drought," 36% of the state was rated as in "extreme drought," and 45% of the state was in "severe drought."
The drought situation in WV was still expanding in late-August. Graphics courtesy US Drought Monitor.
A "Drought Resource" meeting was conducted by Zoom in late August where farmers, foresters, and others impacted by the drought received more information about assistance available. Collaborators included WVU Extension, Farm Credit of the Virginias, USDA Farm Service Agency, and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Comments about the drought situation on social media include:
"Hay field that was cut on June 8th , no second cutting Roane Cty. Having to water 300 gallons per day for the cows."
"Wells are drying up. It’s been rough."
"We need assistance to help pay for hay. Many of us are already feeding hay. It’s not just lack of water plaguing WV farmers."
Livestock watering is critical during times of drought. Photo courtesy WVDA
State officials are advising livestock producers that "it is important to remember to keep water troughs filled high enough so young cows can reach the water. Adult cattle will often drink first, and water levels can become too low for younger animals to reach, leaving them without adequate hydration."
For Drought Assistance Resources, go to: https://agriculture.wv.gov/.../drought-assistance-resources/